PRESIDENT Piper Prichard, Seminole High

1st VICE PRESIDENT Cheryl Guldenschuh, pTEC - Clearwater

2nd VICE PRESIDENT Sharon Ingram, Facilities, Operations, Safety & Security, WPSC

SECRETARY Joann Sulek, Mail Room - Administration Building

TREASURER Kathy Vreeland, Nina Harris Exceptional Center

INSPIRATION Tami McGlynn, Seminole High

DIRECTOR, PUBLICITY Candi Bartello, Human Resources - Seminole High

DIRECTOR, SCHOLARSHIP Charlene Kalck, Dixie Hollins High

DIRECTOR, AWARDS Chris Walsh, Vehicle Maintenance

DIRECTOR, PROJECTS Mary Ann Smith, Purchasing - Administration Building

                                           Vickie Batcheller, Business Management

HISTORIAN Joann Sulek, Mailroom - Administration Building

RETIREES Connie Huckno

PAST PRESIDENT Liz Stevenson, Strategic Communications

MEMBER OF YEAR Valerie Venable, Maintenance

BOSS of YEAR Sharon Ingram, Facilities, Operations, Safety & Security, WPSC

WEBMASTER Candi Bartello, Human Resources - Seminole High

Our enthusiastic members stepped up to help the association grow. It will be a great year with a lot of fun and rewards working with our peers throughout the district. Come join us and help us grow. Please feel free to volunteer at any time to assist your Board at any time – we believe your talents can bring us to the top! Come and volunteer for your organization and earn hours for your Certificate of Distinction at the same time!