Who Can Join?


All persons engaged in educational office work in the Pinellas County School System will be eligible for active membership in this Association upon payment of annual dues by January 31 of the current school year.  A late fee will be assessed after January 31.


Benefits of Joining

There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our members are close friends and we have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have a common interest, and we hope to further our cause - scholarship-funding. Active members in good standing will be entitled to vote, to hold office, and to participate in discussions at all general meetings of the Association.

PAEOP's main purpose is to raise sufficient scholarship funds to assist a few college-bound Pinellas County School graduates striving to be teachers, business entrepreneurs, artists, engineers, and beyond,  Help us grant more dreams by becoming a PAEOP member today! 

Please renew your membership with our caring and friendly organization.  PAEOP is a great way to network with other office professionals within our school system.  We are also affiliated with our state organization, FAEOP and our national affiliate, NAEOP, which gives us even more exposure to a broader network of office professionals not only state wide but nation-wide.  Please come out to our meetings and join in on the fun and be a part of something big!


How Can You Join?


To join we need a completed application and membership dues of $6.00 for the first year. Please contact us for more information and a copy of the application or click on the online membership form link below.  We made it even easier for you to join in on the fun!

Just Fill in your information, PRINT it out and PONY it or MAIL it with your check to Sharon Ingram.  See you at our next meeting!