Pinellas Association of Educational Office Professionals

A word from our President...

Welcome back to the new school year!


As always the summer went by quickly and here we are at the beginning of another school year. I personally want to encourage all office support personnel to become a member of PAEOP. It is your professional organization (not a union) whose purpose is to inspire you to strive for personal and professional growth, and provide a means of networking and fellowship with other district office support staff. Please join us for the first general meeting on September 27th for a special PAEOP version of “High Five.” A light dinner (soup and sandwiches’) will be provided at no cost.


The Annual Holiday Auction is scheduled for November 8th at Walter Pownall Service Center. We all look forward to this fun evening of socializing and raising money. We encourage donations from any and all that are able. As many of you are aware, the proceeds from the auction benefit PCS students through our scholarship fund. We hope to again offer three to four scholarships to deserving students. PAEOP places a high value on awarding scholarships to deserving students who wish to continue their education. And, just to remind you, one dollar from your membership dues goes towards the scholarship fund.


2013’s Bosses’ Night is being planned and if you have suggestions or ideas and would like to be a part of the planning committee, please contact any of the board members. We will keep you posted!


PAEOP is a caring, supportive organization. Do give us a chance and join us for the September 27th meeting at Walter Pownall Service Center.



Piper Prichard